Sunday, October 30, 2016

PIC16F84A Prototyping Board

I was doing some experiments with PIC16F84A Microcontroller and I got bored doing it on project board. So I wanted to build a small prototyping board and I did. Here is my prototyping board for PIC16F84A Microcontroller.

I built it on a Vero board and it has a 7805 regulator so that I can directly connect it to different power sources. I also added IN4001 diode to protect it from voltage direction mistakes. I added female headers to PORT A and PORT B pins so that I can connect sensors, LEDs etc. I also added few headers to ground and +5V to get output power.

Here is the schematic of the circuit.

The oscillator I used was 4MHz one and it is ok for most experiments.

If you are planning to build this, I advise you to use a ZIP socket instead of the general IC socket. Good Luck.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Raspberry PI LED Blink Tutorial

Hello Friends, Today I am going to create a Raspberry Pi LED Blinking Project. I am using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for this tutorial.

In this tutorial, I will step by step show you how to write a simple Python code to blink an LED which connect to your Raspberry Pi via GPIO pins.

Here is the video of completed project.

Now it is the time to up your Pi and ready to get started.