Saturday, December 14, 2019

Arduino Neo6M GPS Tracking

Hello friends. In this project let’s see how to add GPS capabilities to your Arduino. I will use small and low cost Neo 6M GPS module. You can buy this module from eBay or any other online electronic store around 5,6 USD.

I purchased the following module.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Stereo MP3 Player with Arduino and DFPlayer Module

Hello everyone, Here again with an interesting project. If you already got bored dealing with sensors, motors, relays like stuff, here is a cool project for you. Here is an image of the project.

We are going to build a Stereo MP3 player with Arduino. Yes that's true. Using low cost DFPlayer module, we can easily do this project.

The DF Player module has all the features which a MP3 player should have. Including advance equalizers, looping and shuffling functions. But here I will show you how to build a simple player with Play/Pause and Next/Preview functions. Later you can add more features.

We will do this project in two steps. First we will build a simple MP3 player with a single speaker and then I will show you how to upgrade it as a Stereo player using a simple amplifier module and two speakers.

To continue reading, please click this link to visit my main blog page. No ads or fake URLs, don't worry.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

NodeMCU Introduction

In the connected world, we need to connect our devices to the Internet. Let's take a simple example. You need to monitor your home temperature from anywhere in the world. We did a simple temperature monitor project earlier using LM35 and Arduino. Now we need to connect this to the Internet. We can use your Home WiFi network for this. Or else make the connection using Ethernet cable.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

PIC16F84A LED Running Project - Part 1

Hi Friends,

This time I present you a very simple project built using PIC16F84A Microcontroller. This is a simple LED running system and I hope this project will be helpful to beginners to understand basic concepts.

Here is the schematic of the project (Please click on the image to enlarge)

You need only few components to build this circuit. I hope all the parts are clear in the schematic (if not, please comment)

Here is the source code :

Please note that the code is written in Micro C 

If you faced any problems, please comment. The second part of this project (which runs 40 LEDs without shift registers) will be posted soon.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

PIC16F877A LM35 Temperature Monitor

Hello Everyone, After giving you some Arduino based projects, This time it is a PIC16F877A Based project.

This is a simple temperature monitor based famous analogue LM35 Temperature monitor. This circuit used the AD converter of the microchip and use three seven segments displays to show the temperature.

Here the schematic :

Unfortunately the source code is in Assembly format and it is an image I have to publish here. You can use MPLAB IDE to write this code and build it.

Here is the Source Code :

This project I extracted from "Vidusara" Science magazine which published in Sri Lanka. It is the most famous science magazine in Sri Lanka.

This project was designed by Mr. Gamini Jayasinghe and Mr. Kolitha Dharmapriya (University of Moratuwa)

Friday, May 19, 2017

Servo Motor Controlling with Arduino

Hello friends, after some time here another post about motor controlling and this time I am going to control a Servo Motor with Arduino Uno.

Servo motor is an essential device for all Robotic lovers. For an example, to control a Robotic arm, You need a servos.

Using Arduino, you can easily control servo motors. Arduino has a special library called "Servo"

Here are some images I took while I do the experiment.

For source codes and echematics, please follow the Arduino official tutorial page.

Here is the link : Arduino Servo

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Arduino Nokia 5110 Graphics Display

After long time I could find a time to add a new post. Recently I purchased a Nokia 5110 Graphics display module and I could do some interesting stuff with it.

Connecting the display to the Arduino is very easy. No need any other devices except some hookup wires.

Here is my setup.

Please go to this link to the complete tutorial with Source Codes. Have a nice day.