Saturday, May 25, 2019

Stereo MP3 Player with Arduino and DFPlayer Module

Hello everyone, Here again with an interesting project. If you already got bored dealing with sensors, motors, relays like stuff, here is a cool project for you. Here is an image of the project.

We are going to build a Stereo MP3 player with Arduino. Yes that's true. Using low cost DFPlayer module, we can easily do this project.

The DF Player module has all the features which a MP3 player should have. Including advance equalizers, looping and shuffling functions. But here I will show you how to build a simple player with Play/Pause and Next/Preview functions. Later you can add more features.

We will do this project in two steps. First we will build a simple MP3 player with a single speaker and then I will show you how to upgrade it as a Stereo player using a simple amplifier module and two speakers.

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